

VZ Group is proud to announce that our product Dual Ride is protected by an exclusive patent called ""MULTIFUNCTION ELECTRIC SCOOTER WITH VARIABLE CONFIGURATION"". This patent underlines the originality and quality of our innovation and guarantees the protection of our cutting-edge technology in several international jurisdictions.

Dual Ride is not just a product, but a true experience that combines versatility, design and functionality. Thanks to our patent, we can ensure that Dual Ride represents the future of personal mobility by offering an innovative and sustainable alternative for everyday commuting and water adventures.

In Italy

The patent "MULTIFUNCTION ELECTRIC SCOOTER WITH VARIABLE CONFIGURATION" has been granted for the fifth year. This confirms the recognition of our innovation on the Italian market and our dedication to quality and protection of  intellectual property.

​​​​​​​In Europe

We have applied for a patent for Dual Ride in Europe, and our application is currently under review. We are waiting to respond to the official action. The patent has been renewed for a fourth year, thus ensuring continued protection of our innovation on a European scale.

In the USA

In the US, the patent application for Dual Ride has been filed and we are waiting for the first official action by the examiner. This step is crucial to entering a key market and protecting our technology in the US, one of the leading centres for  echnological innovation.

In China

In China, we have filed the patent application and are waiting to complete the examination request. This market represents a significant opportunity to expand our multi-functional technology and confirm our presence in Asia as well.